Everybody is entitled an opinioin so here is mine. If i were to
   consider using a 2 stroke on an aircraft i would look to the marine
   engine because those are designed from the very start to operate at
   high power settings for long durations. As far as the oil mixing goes
   I think anyone that has owned our operated a "modern" outboard engine
   would know how well that issue has been handled, the new variable rate
   injections systems have that solved. I owned an OMC 100 hp V-4  and I
   NEVER fouled a plug EVER, the operating rage was a bit high, optimum
   high idle speed was 5500 rpm so a psru would be in order. I think the
   biggest problem would be weight but I dont know how much one could cut
   the weight, but, the point is an outboard is designed to operate under
   full load for extended periods where most automotive engines are not,
   and todays 2 cycle engines with oil variable rate oil inj systems are
   extremely reliable. I guess its all a matter of weight and choice.
   Even tho I have so many good things to say about the 2 strokes guess
   what I'm using an
   O-200 , go figure..... I just want to get it in the air.

                        Happy and safe building all!

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