Well since it is Friday and I haven't posted any pics recently, as I figured 
no one wanted to see the right wing built................kinda hope it is a 
mirror image of the left one....here are some pics for your cullinary 

Da Box


Da open box, you can see the formed bottom aft fuselage skin


All da paper and cardboard insuring no damage to those presents inside the 
Christmas package.  This is my storage cubby hole where my wings, rudder, 
elevators, HS, VS and so on are stored out of the way.


All da nice goodies inside, control sticks, rudder pedel assembly, 
tailwheel, plumbing line, bolts, nuts, brackets, panel, firewall, etc.  It's 
like Christmas in July!!


And after about 5 hours, one firewall ready for disassembly, deburring, 
priming and riveting.  All callouts are on the plans for aux fuel pump 
mounting, throttle pass throughs, brake line pass throught, etc.


The fuselage is constructed in three parts, the aft, center and forward 
section then joined together.  I hope to spend a good 8 hours on the project 
today, Sat and Sun.  I will finish the firewall today along with completion 
of the center carry though tomorrow.  I plan on completing all buckhead by 
quitting time on Sunday and hope to start riveting the aft fuselage together 
by the end of next week.  I know this isn't KR, but it is airplane building.

After "fabricating" Larry's tanks, I am now back to ol measly assembling 

As a side note, I emailed with a guy from New Zealand concerning an 
inexpensive fuel flow instrument.  Try, 
This is fuel flow metering system that will fit in a two inch instrument 
panel hole and in precise down to 1.4 gallons per hour.  This will allow you 
to moniter fuel flow along with ground speed and determine you optimum power 
setting for endurance, max speed fuel comsumption, etc.  Nice little tool 
for optimizing your airplane.

BTW..............if you are grilling out today and get the 
chance...............why not "Cook a Terrorist" along with your 
hotdogs.......my sources tell me they are best well done...........

Dana Overal
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering hostl
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
do not archive

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