> I recently purchased the plans for a KR-1. I am a little tall 6'2" (large >upper body) so I want to do a couple of modifications and need a little >advice. > 1. I want to lengthen the fuselage a little. > 2. I want to use a 0-200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Gord, You haven't started cutting wood yet so you have lots of options. It appears that you are looking for a FAST single place airplane. I would advise the following and anyone is free to argue the merits of my suggestions. Purchase a set of KR2 plans with the "S" suppliment. Incorporate the "S" mods for saftey and handling but build a single place airplane of standard KR2 length. Make the width whatever it takes for you to fit comfortably. Cut down the wing span a bit and use the new airfoil. Balance all control surfaces and install a well faired fixed gear. With attention to weight and some good airflow lines on the cowl and canopy you should be able to approach 180 to 200 mph cruise speeds. With all the time and effort you will put into building you may as well build an airplane you will be comfortable in and enjoy flying. Check out the KR100 info on Mark Langford's web site. Larry (d*m* I hate sanding ) Flesner