
While on vacation at the beach, and entertaining tropical storm Bill, I had
a lot of time to update my KR Opinions web page.  I added a lot of stuff,
refined some of what I'd already said, made it a tad easier to navigate, and
plan to make it a sort of KR FAQ (at least as I see it), and will
continually update it and add to it as ideas occur to me.  It's at .  If anybody wants to take
issue with anything I've said, you're welcome to bring it up on KRnet for
discussion.  And let me know of any glaring omissions or stuff that you
think might need addressing.  Two that I can think of right off are the
Pulsar canopy, and now that I've seen Willie Wilson's KR page, the Grob
Motorglider canopy looks excellent as well.  And Dan's comment on the one
really good reason to put fuel in the outboard wings (because it's supported
by the wing) is another good one that deserves mention somewhere...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML "at"
see KR2S project at

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