There were fourteen people that expressed a desire to adopt the KR Composite Derivative. All equally qualified to take over this project. Now, I am going to make fourteen people dislike me because I have decided to keep the project. There were three major deciding factors involved in this decision. The first was my wife who said I would be nuts to get rid of it because I knew good and well I would not build an expensive RV-10. The second deciding factor is the fact that my KR will be flying within a year and I have to have something for me and my boys to build together for that magical father son bonding. The third deciding factor was today I was up at Oshkosh sitting behind the Hilton (which has an apron off of Whitman Regional airport) eating lunch and this beautiful Glasair pulled up right next to me. The two gentlemen had flown in just to have lunch at the Hilton and allowed me to examine their plane. The more I looked at it, the more I could see this KR Composite Derivative looking just like a Glasair. As a matter of fact, I think they will look so much alike that everyone will think it is a Glasair. So, I am going to keep the project and build me a KR that looks like a Glasair. I appreciate all the interest and am sorry to disappoint you guys.
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI USA E-mail me at Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at