Cover the exhaust pipe with light aluminum  foil keeping it about 1/4" from
the pipe with pop rivets.  The auto manufactures do a similar thing under
the hood.  Its a IR shield.


----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: KR>hot battery

> Netters,
> I've just recently started doing some extensive taxiing in a KR I bought
> last year (completed but not flown yet).  The battery, garden tractor
> died and I replaced it with an AGM-fiberglass matrix battery.  The battery
> is mounted on the engine side of the firewall and the starboard exhaust
> runs within an inch of it.  The pipe is wrapped with a heatproof cloth.
> After a couple hours of ground work, runups and taxiing, the battery case
> has become deformed from the heat of the exhaust pipe, though it still
> functions.  Is there a way to shield the battery effectively or duct blast
> air between it and the exhaust pipe?
> Anyone else had this problem?
> Don (Houston, TX).


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