I would think long and hard before tackeling that .. Where would u
stretch it? The sides are already curved for it's present length. You
would have to cut through it's main structural members. My
thoughts------good luck!

On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 14:17:54 -0500 "Russ & Brenda"
<russandbre...@sbcglobal.net> writes:
> I'm new and I'm 6-2 and 250lbs. There is a KR2 I'm looking at to put 
> a
> corvair motor on, could I stretch the completed KR2 (Unpainted) or 
> is that
> more work than it's worth? I the KR2 big enough for me? I hope I'm 
> not
> asking dumb questions.
> Thanks, Russ Houck.
> Corsicana Texas.
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> see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html

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