Ron my 2S comes in at 47-48mph clean. Airplane weighs 650lbs and me at

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 21:41:59 -0500 <> writes:
> The stall speed of the KR2 is listed as 52mph, which is 45 Knots.  
> The no
> flaps stall limit for a "Sport Pilot" is 44Knots.  I calculate a 
> plain
> "Hershey Bar" wing with 2 feet of increased span would raise the 
> area by 15
> square feet.
> The KR2 Spec sheet says wing area 80 square feet, but I can only 
> account for
> 75 (!).
> Does anyone know the actual stall speed, with or without flaps, and 
> at what
> weight would that apply?
> I don't have a problem ratio-ing the data from 75 or 80 square feet, 
> but it
> seems there's 5 square feet missing.
> It looks like a KR2SPort is possible based on the initial specs....
> Ron Freiberger
> mailto:
> _______________________________________________
> see KRnet list details at

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