Man, I love KRnet. Why? Because of the bits of information and helpful tips 
that can be glean from this site. This is a good example. Thanks Larry

In a message dated 6/2/2003 8:56:32 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Take an old hacksaw blade and brake a section off each end of whatever
> length you want.  Place these two end pieces together and put a pop rivit
> through the hole.  After the pop rivet is set, use a hammer to pound the 
> rivet to a tightness that allows you to adjust the angle of the two pieces
> but will hold that angle once set.  I made one tool from a red blade and
> another from a black blade.  I used one color for horizontal angles and
> the other for vertical angles so I wouldn't get confused when I got to
> the saw.  Simply open the tool to a greater angle that you will need and
> slide it into the position the gusset will fill.  When pushed into place it
> will conform to the angle you need for the gusset.  Now you can use
> the tool to set the saw, sander, or whatever

Chuck Wyatt
Tehuacana, Texas

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