Good morning all.. Again I am forced to ask assistance from those who know much more than I. :-) Due to the loonnggggg distances involved in flying anywhere in Australia, like RAAF Richmond to see the folks in Brisbane is 1000Kms with the need to fly high, I am researching the Turbo side of things now. I have gone over the archives, old KR Newsletters, and web searches, but have not been able to locate a source of complete, turbocharged VW engines, other than Revmaster. With a price tag of $8500 USD or almost $13,000 AUD, this is quite pricey. I have read of others turbocharging their engines as a one off project, but have not been able to find too much information, other than the excellent series of articles from Dan Diehl in the early newsletters, as to exactly how one goes about turbocharging their engine. If anyone has information of a supplier of a Turbo-VW Engine in Australia, or other than Revmaster internationally, it would be appreciated, similarly if someone could point me to a website, or company that describes how to turbocharge it would be great. Also after noticing the recent discussions on the Glass cockpit setups, I am throwing in my two cents worth... is another setup. Although its not the one I plan on using, it might help some folks.(my selection is the PCFlightSystems EPanel) The GRT setup uses 1 MFD to display PFD, Engine Stats and Trend monitoring, and NAV/GPS information, with the option to interlink 2 or more displays.
Kind Regards from Aus. Robin Wills Queensland Australia