At 06:21 PM 12/8/2016, you wrote:
>Also an added benefit of not glueing the brackets to the spar will 
>allow any future decisions to change from tail dragger to nosewheel 
>configuration or vice versa.
>This assumes you drill the bracket holes in both brackets at the 
>same time (so they are identical.) The brackets move to the rear of 
>the spar and then swap sides, in the nosewheel configuration

I wouldn't get too concerned on drilling the holes as:

A. you'll probably never going to swap them side to side and
B. If you do and the holes don't match (they'd probably have to be 
cnc drilled to do so anyway when swapping side to side/ front to 
back) just plug the old holes and move the brackets inboard or 
outboard an inch or so.  Try not to over complicate the building 
process or it will never fly. :-)

Larry Flesner 

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