Another thing to keep in mind in relation to meeting the LSA performance
criteria is who, besides you, is going to know for sure what the stall
speed (or any other parameter) really is.  If you say the stall speed is 51
mph, as long as that's plausible who's going to even give it a second
thought?  The regulator's certainly not going to get in the plane and
verify it.

I'm not suggesting you falsify your test data or anythig like that, but
aviation is full of optimistic numbers, and the difference between 51 mph
and 55 mph could well be within the margin of error of your instruments in
any case.  ASIs tend to get inaccurate at low speed and high AoA.



On 30 November 2016 at 00:31, Kayak Chris via KRnet <krnet at>

> thanks, I agree with mark not to misuse our precious time!
> my question is related to that I simply may want my bird (KR1) to be
> light sport compliant. 51mph does it, 55 doesnt. but I plan mine to be
> simple and light, so I guess it should be fine.

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