[https://cid-d89605ce9fa20f7a.users.storage.live.com/users/0xd89605ce9fa20f7a/myprofile/expressionprofile/profilephoto:UserTileMedium,UserTileStatic,UserTileSmall/MeControlMediumUserTile?ck=1&ex=24&fofoff=1&sc=1472829491201] Tom K [https://cdn1.evernote.com/outlook/images/app-icon-16.png] [https://www.wunderlist.com/office-add-ins/img/wl_icon_standalone_16.png] [https://boomerangoutlook.baydin.com/static/img/icons/ribbon/boomerang_16_blue.png]
Reply| 7/15/2016 krnet at list.krnet.org I thought I had it sold but it seems that he backed out so I'm reposting it. It's currently in storage in Henderson, NV just south-east of Las Vegas. I would like to sell it as a package to someone wanting to get a little bit of a head start and save money. I'm giving the list members first shot at this and will wait a week before putting it on Barnstormers. If I don't get any interest as a package I'll let individual parts go separately. Please contact me off the list @ lvav8r at hotmail.com . The 14' x 4' construction table is included if wanted but would require a truck to move. http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/snw/5762521310.html Tom Kilgore Las Vegas, NV lvav8r at hotmail.com