If you're looking for an anti-glare screen film for whatever you have on your panel that's too glossy, this deal is hard to beat. By buying three "iPad2" anti glare screen protectors for $5, free shipping, you can anti-glare a lot of equipment. I used one for my old iPad2, cut another in half to make two iFly 720 films, and have one left over for whatever needs it next. On iPad and 720, it eliminated ALL real glare, with no discernible impact on brightness. On the contrary, it looks a lot more brilliant without all the extraneous reflections. I highly recommend these. http://www.ebay.com/itm/230909939563?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT is the link, and they seem to have plenty of them.
For those who haven't discovered ebay, you don't know what you're missing. It's a great system that is "self-governing", based on buyer and seller reviews which keep people straight. It's a great place to buy just about everything for a very low price, and almost anything you can think of. Ebay is not a "personal information giveaway" either...there's a lot of protection built into the system, and I've never had a problem with it. Same goes for Paypal, which is a great way to buy things online without spreading your personal information and credit card numbers all over the globe. Ebay is a tool that every scrounger should have in his toolbox... -- Mark Langford ML at N56ML.com http://www.n56ml.com