I do not have one of these but one of my friends just purchased one today at Oshkosh $899.00 includes a new series 740 which claims easy seeing in bright sunlight and a stratus kit which displays all surrounding aircraft that are in the system I presume. I will be looking at these myself in a few minutes just to make sure this is all correct. It is a show special so if you are interested you may want to call if you are not here at Oshkosh and see if they will honor their show special to you.
Just a side note, anyone who has been around aviation and avionics for the past 10 or 15 years should be smart enough to recognize how fast technology and pricing is changing. If you are building an airplane, it is not ready to fly and you have no idea when it may be ready to fly, you are not smart to purchase avionics now. Wait until you are near ready to fly then purchase your avionics. Chances will be very great that you will be able to purchase better/new technology equipment for possibly even less money than if you bought 3 or 4 years too soon. Things are changing fast in this field now, so do not jump too soon. Why hop in your new airplane with out of date avionics? I'm sure you will be handing yourself that sign if you do!!! Larry H Sent from my iPhone