I hate to add to this thread since it has little to do with building or flying, but against my better judgement, I will.
MS installs the Win 10 upgrade as a patch to Win 7 or Win 8. If you click on the icon, you are off to the races with a Win 10 install/upgrade. So how do you get rid of the Win 10 icon and upgrade package? I downloaded an app called GWX control panel (short for Get Windows 10 control panel). You can use that app to remove the Win 10 upgrade package from your computer and remove all the Win 10 upgrade files that are now residing on your disk, so there is no chance of you or someone else clicking on it and accidentally upgrading your computer out of existance. You can also set it to not allow the Win 10 installer back onto your system, as well as using it to control the overall windows patch system. -Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM ? ? >. Any idea how to avoid it happening again when Windows installs >updates? Custom install? >Chris K ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ask someone in the know but I think there is a setting that requires you to approve any updates before they load. I'm thinking I just wasn't paying close enough attention and let Windows10 slip in. I know they download a hidden file that is in most computers now that makes them ready to upgrade with just the wrong click or two. It will pop up on occasion asking if you want to upgrade now or later. If you select later it may download on it's own after a period of time. I think that's what happened to me. They don't give you the choice of "never". Check out sites like: http://www.howtogeek.com/228551/how-to-stop-windows-7-or-8-from-downloading-windows-10-automatically/ or just google "how to keep Windows10 from downloading and use your best judgement on how to proceed. There is quite a bit of info on the subject out there. As always, your results may vary.............. Larry Flesner _