For those who don't subscribe to Avweb you've probably missed this one. Notice the tiny little ADS-B technology about halfway through from one of the new companies we've never heard of. I've seen these systems getting smaller and cheaper as time goes by and this is yet another example. Complying with ADS-B in/out when the time comes will be a non-issue - probably on a par with the cost of an ELT - if ELT's are even required by that time. And if they are - they should also be a lot cheaper by then. I'm hopeful this technology will contribute in a very effective way to stop illegal logging, illegal fishing, elephant poaching currently going on in massive fashion in Africa (thanks to the Chinese desire for ivory - for some weird reason) and the general raping of the environment by double-digits who obviously haven't figured out a better way to make a living. Drones may actually help save what's left of the planet, in addition to their many other applications. Sending appropriately armed swarms of them over into jihadist territory could concievably put those fanatics in the holes where they belong and do so with minimum loss of American lives. I don't have one and don't plan on getting one since I have no use for one, but I'm sure impressed with their capabilities. ____________________________________________________________ 43 Hilarious Times Dads Were In Charge