I used Smooth Prime ( 
)  15 years ago when finishing my KR.  It seems a bit expensive now 
but it wasn't cheap back then either.  I don't recall how much it 
took but certainly not the three gallon it suggest in the ad, maybe a 
gallon and a quart.  It is water based and I put it on a bit at a 
time with a 4 inch foam roll as I finished different areas of the 
plane.  I covered it with cheap auto paint ($40 a gallon in early 
2000) and it still looks like the day it was painted.  Paint was 
never buffed out and I still have two spots on the left wing that 
have been in primer since 2004 where I cut in to the wing to fix a 
fuel leak.  Nobody every notices the primer spots and I've just never 
bothered to paint them.

The trick to eliminating fill is to get the foam right, get a good 
glass lay up, then cover with "deck cloth" for minimum fill.  If you 
look "real close" you can see one of the primer spots in the photo.


Larry Flesner

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