I've got Rosenhaun reservoirs and cylinders attached to my rudder pedals and the wheels and brakes are also Rosenhaun. I'm pretty sure Rosenhaun sold out to Matco at some point so I guess I could say I have Matco wheels and brakes, although there may be differences now. When I first changed my fluid I called Steve to ask what he recommended I use as brake fluid. His answer was to use aircraft hydraulic fluid. So I bought a quart can of it and I recall it was damned expensive but that's what I've used on both occasions when I've bled the lines and put new fluid in. My brake lines that run from the pedals to the brakes are clear so I can see the color of the fluid. It stays nice and red and my brakes always work - although I use brakes as little as possible. So . . . I don't use any of the DOT fluids. Just plain red aircraft quality hydraulic fluid.
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