?I built a removable split elevator with gap seals when I rebuilt the tail on my KR in 2005. There are some photos, although not very detailed at <http://jeffsplanes.com/KR/tail.html> and <http://jeffsplanes.com/KR/2013_Trim.html>. The gap seals are a single laminate of Carbon Fiber laid up on a waxed bench top, then squeegeed with peel ply just as lean and thin as I could make them. That made the CF roughly .010" thick. I laid it up along the trailing edge of the horizontal stab with a 2" overlap onto the stab and 2" over the elevator both top and bottom. The CF strip was then feathered into the horizontal stab. Small removable cutouts were added along the lower gap seal to access the elevator mounting bolts.
The spars for the two elevator halves are clamped between 2 pieces of 4130 plate with 3 AN3 bolts through each spar half. I don't know if an engineer would approve this installation, but it has been flying on my KR for 600 hrs now. -Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM ? ----------------- On 5/30/2016 12:00 PM, Frank Hamelly via KRnet wrote: I want to use a split elevator on my KR and am wondering how to attach the two halves in the middle to maintain structural integrity.? I've seen that Steve Anderson's KR used a split elevator but how were the two sides fused?? ? Also, thinking about using gap seals between the horizontal and vertical stabs and the elevator/rudder.? I have a 7/8" gap to fill which seems like it would be much easier to use than building up the bull nose on the leading edges while providing clear access to the hinges.? I'm using the rod-end bearing hinge design, with 5 hinges instead of 3.? ? Thanks in advance for the advice. ? Frank Hamelly ?? ? ? _