Got in some high speed taxi runs with 4 trips down runway 29 this morning, 
sun at my back and into a 5 Kts breeze at 260.  On the first run my left leg 
keep bumping the flap switch, resulting in deploy and retracting the flaps. 
Moved the flap switches about 2 inches higher; still needs work.  Second run 
found the right leg interfering with left stick movement; removed my wallet 
for a fix.  Runs 3 & 4 had to abort at somewhere about 40 Kts; could not 
read the airspeed on the Dynon D10A; it was set for full brightness, but sun 
light was washing it out.  Maybe a glare shield might help.  (Something that 
won't split my head in a crash to paraphrase Mark L.)
Also might be an issue with my bifocals.  Did I mention my stage II 
cataracts?  Getting old is not for wimps.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

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