That's a keeper. I doubt I'll ever be needing to put my engine back together after taking it apart like that, at least not this lifetime, but this piece on how to pre-lube it is getting put in printed form together with my other essential VW reference material. Thanks Mark.
Re the sawhorses . . . I've been using an armless office chair with pillows/blankets since day 1. They are adjustable up and down and rolls if you want it to. Forward, sideways, anyway you need to move it and it'll only tip over if I try and pull the plane out of the hangar with it still under the tail. When it hits the door tracks it'll tip over (I think . . . this has never happened of course . . . .) but otherwise, unlike a sawhorse, it'll just roll. I've got two or three of them around the hangar, salvaged from dumpsters over time. People throw some amazing things into airport dumpsters. You can find an entire airplane inside the dumpster sometimes. The office chairs with pillows has sure worked well at keeping the plane level whenever it's in the hangar. Seems like a lot better idea than sawhorses . . .? Mike KSEE ____________________________________________________________ StyleBistro Her Dress Dropped Jaws At The Met Gala