Hey Guys,
    I have been trying to get my act together to clean out some of my extras 
but I just don't seem to get organized. The first picture is a KR2s factory 
made turtle deck with some cutting done and some minor damage. I would have 
used it but it seemed to be to much work to modify to fit the current project 
(a make offer plus shipping kind of deal)
The second is a number of instruments that I have collected and will not be 
using. I do not even have a list made up of what you see or any idea of prices. 
for the most part they do not include any sensors. Many are new in box items 
like the AK-350. A couple of the other gauges are yellow tagged. If you see 
something that your interested in send me a PRIVATE email at: n357cj at ptd.net
     I also have a XM weather box and wiring along with a Anywhere map Septa 
that I can update to current charts (will sell seperate or together) and I have 
an old Lowerence 1000 that I used for the auto pilot up to last August. It is 
not updateable but it does work great and never misses a beat. I was really 
disappointed when they withdrew from aviation markets. XM still does have a few 
very desirable functions that you do not get from ADS-b and might be great for 
someone that travels  a lot.
    Please be patient as It may take a couple days for me to respond due to 
current work load.
Joe Horton,
Coopersburg, Pa
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