: >Chris, I was lying in bed last night wondering about the integrity of the >WAFs myself. Those four little bolts are all there is between flying and a >wing ripping off, especially under heavy G. >Frank >+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Many builder / fliers are concerned about the integrity of the wing attach fittings. I , unfortunately, have inspected the wreckage of three crashed KR's and in none of them did the attach fittings fail. The wood structure will fail independent of the attach fitting area, even in the most violent of crashes. Built to plans, even without a single bolt and spacer top and bottom, but with the four bolt attach, the attach fittings would appear to be strongest area of the wing. When it comes to KR's, one has to remember that each aircraft is a "one off" structure. Wings from one KR run a 99.999 percent chance of not fitting another aircraft unless a single jig was used to build and locate the fitting and spars. You're asking two random and independent builders to locate the fittings so they match holes to a zero slop fit. Even a single aircraft requires having the fittings bolted together and then attached to the spar for that kind of fit. These are not Fords or Buicks that have interchangeable parts. Larry Flesner