Kitplanes wrote:

>>With two aboard his KR-2T, Trentman reports a takeoff distance of 1200-1400
feet with liftoff at 90 mph. Cruise speed is 140 mph on 75-80% power
prop rpm) and 8-12 gph fuel consumption. Downwind is flown at 90 mph,
slowing to 70 mph on base and 60-65 mph on short final, touching down at
mph, Trentman said.<<

All speeds should say IAS, or certainly the landing speed.  If he's
really "touching down" at 45 mph TAS with two aboard, he's replacing the
landing gear and prop every time!  Errors like this make me question the
other numbers.  These fuel consumption numbers should demonstrate why
turbines in KRs are a rarity.  Maybe reliability is the attraction...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at" 

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