In regards to Chris Prata's question regarding Jim Evan's KR-1 with the
R-2100D with RayJay turbocharger, Jim had to make a forced landing when
his Maloof prop failed in cruise flight.  I talked with Jim about that
incident and sorry, don't remember what he told me regarding whether the
plane survived the forced landing or not.  My recollection is that it did
survive with repairable damage and I think Jim continued to fly that
plane, minus the Maloof.  Joe Horvath grounded that prop for use with his
engines following that failure and one or two other failures on
turbocharged installations.  I had a Maloof and had no problems with it
but my R-2100D was not turbocharged.  As far as I recall it was only on
engines with turbochargers that the Maloof had problems.  

That plane is probably ensconced in a museum or display situation there
in Lewiston, CA or another nearby Northern California community where Jim
was very well known for his writing and his aviation activities and his
WWII exploits as a P-51 pilot.

I'm sure there are quite a number of references to Jim and his KR in the
KR newsletters of that era.  For anyone interested in his kind of flying
(high altitude, distance) digging through the newsletters would be


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