Long-time KRnet folks have seen this before, but we have a new crop of list members who either did NOT read the rules, or who don't care to abide with them. The list was sent out to all new subscribers. Given that you wouldn't take the time to read the whole list, I'll boil it down to the three most critical ones. Perhaps you can make the time to read them.
1. When you reply to a previous post, please delete the vast majority of the post you're replying to, to reduce the overall size of your post, but more importantly, to keep the same stuff from showing up in several posts, over and over again, which will later show up as hits for an archive search. It's really annoying to do a search for something and have 50 hits, only to wade through them all to find that only a few are new information...the rest are all posts that have been reposted repeatedly. This goes doubly for "digest" subscribers, as you are likely re-posting 20-30 posts if you don't delete most of it. 2. Keep private emails PRIVATE. That means, for example, instead of sending "please send that to me too", or "how much do you want for that" to 500 people, simply send it to the guy that you're addressing only. That's done by hitting "reply all" and then deleting the return to KRnet address before you send it. Pretty simple stuff. You're building an airplane, so I am confident you can handle this. I'm not saying "always" send it privately...most issues that have to do with KRs, engines, FAA regs, all that stuff are of interest to everybody on the list. It's the purely personal stuff that's directed to one guy that's annoying. 3. The size of a post is limited to 250KB. That's plenty for any text post you'll ever send, but if you throw a photo in with that, it probably needs to be under 230KB, unless you also wrote a book, or didn't delete the previous posts to which you are replying. 250 KB is plenty for a reasonably detailed photo of a reasonable size, say 800x600 pixels that's been lightly compressed. Anything with five times the pixels is difficult to view...it leads to scrolling all over the place and the inability to see "the whole picture", which is quite annoying. And reducing the size helps keep the archive small and manageable, and download times minimized. This is important for those with slow internet connections. If you send a post that's larger than 250KB, you'll get a message that it's being held pending moderator approval. Unfortunately, I'm the moderator, and given that I set the limit to 250KB, the chances of me deciding that your 7MB file should be forwarded to 500 people is remote. I don't check on them and let them expire, since you got the message that told you why it didn't pass the 250KB filter, and can act accordingly to repost it. If you don't know how to shrink an image file, there are plenty of free apps to do that for you. One is IrfanView, and after 30 seconds of googling "irfanview shrink file size", you'll know exactly how to do it. If this sounds like too much trouble to you, please refrain from posting photos larger than 230KB to the list. Thanks for saving the KRnet message archive from premature bloating, and making it easier for future KRnet archive searchers to find the help they are seeking, not to mention making the emails a lot easier to wade through. There's a link to the full set of list rules at the bottom of every message, at http://www.krnet.org/info.html . -- Mark Langford ML at N56ML.com http://www.n56ml.com