Sid, I had been fighting the shimmy for the past couple years after going many years without a problem. I discovered several problems that were from a one nose heavy bounce. The axle bolt was bent, The nose strut was teaked a bit and I also discovered that the fork actually had a bit of twist. And finally the pivot was bent a bit. I replaced everything. I still had a shimmy sometimes and only on landing. I eventually tightened the pivot a bit more than i thought it should be and now have about 20 landings with and without passengers and all is good. I have mine so just so it does not return to center with no weight on it but in the air with relative wind it turns back straight. Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sid Wood via KRnet" <krnet at> My Diehl nose wheel has developed a violent shimmy between 20 and 40 Kts. I managed to drip some oil from the engine onto the strut. The oil ran down and got into the swivel joint and lubricated the nylon washer. Now it does not have the proper friction. So, have to take the swivel joint apart, clean off the oil and re-adjust the friction upon reassembly.