
I've been waiting something like 18 months on MGL to port their serial 
data to the microSD card that's plugged into the face of the iEFIS, and 
after several conversations and assurances, I've finally given up. The 
iEFIS does have a serial output stream available on a DB-9 connector on 
the back of the unit, but I was trying to avoid carrying a laptop around 
to collect that stuff.  Been there, done that, didn't like it. I bought 
the iEFIS specifically to get a simple SD card interface that logs 
flight data...and it turns out data isn't even logged to it!  Instead, 
an extremely hoaky JPG with a bunch of squiggly lines with corresponding 
multiple scales is what you get, and trust's useless!  There is 
no data stream of actual numbers that can be gleaned for engine health 
monitoring purposes.

So I started looking around on ebay for a serial data logger, and there 
are plenty of options these days.  The one I settled on is shown at , and it looks perfect for what I 
need...just wire it to the master and iEFIS serial data output, plug in 
a microSD card, and data is automatically recorded to a time-stamped 
data file whenever power is applied. It weighs 4 grams (.14 ounce) and 
is the smaller than two postage stamps, is 3/16" thick, and cost me $52 
delivered.  Needless to say, this is far preferable to lugging a laptop 

I'll report back after flying with it, but thought others might be 
looking for something similar.  This should also work fine with a GRT 
EIS.  I may eventually reinstall the EIS, as I consider it far better 
than the very expensive iEFIS, as an engine monitoring and parameter 
trend analysis device.

If you wonder what I mean by "hoaky JPG" from the iEFIS, take a look at and I think you'll 
agree that it's not only useless, but a complete waste of time to even 
download and generate.  Contrast that with the GRT EIS output, shown at  This is stable, 
detailed, readable data you can sink your teeth into! Notice how stable 
these numbers are...quite a contrast to the iEFIS output.   More on this 

Mark Langford
ML at

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