It's worth reminding folks that we are talking very low pressure here, 
in the order of one PSI or less, if you don't want to blow up your tank. 
  I've checked my lungs with a high resolution pressure gauge, and I can 
bearly blow 1 psi, for an instant.  The balloon method prevents 
disasters that can happen when using an air compressor for this job. 
Personally, I build the bottom of the tank and fill it with gasoline for 
the night, and come back and check it the next day, then install the top 
onto a bed of flox, and glass the outside of the joint again.   By 
filling the bottom, you at least prove the critical bottom four joints 
are good before you button the whole thing up.  If it leaks around the 
top, you can either fix it or don't fill it quite all the way up. 
N56ML's header tank was that way, but I learned from the experience and 
never had another leak on the other two tanks.

Mark Langford
ML at

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