PENDING FINAL TOTALS, the 2015 KR Gathering at McMinnville are now posted at the site. Two major notes;
1. Dan is still fielding orders for additional shirts & hats for a final order. If you want anything, please contact him soon. 2. As Jeff Scott pointed out, Dan & I forgot to pass the traditional donation can around after the banquet. If you'd like you can still send a donation to the dprich01 at PayPal account Dan set up and he'll add it to the amount forwarded to the next host. When Dan processes the last orders, I'll update the "Cash Flow Report" page. If you find a math error, please let me know directly. Hopefully this detail will provide some guidance on the income & expense side of hosting a Gathering. Thanks again to everyone. John Bouyea N5391M/ KR2 OR81/ Hillsboro, OR