All of these comments and this coverage sure makes me homesick! For MANY years I lived in MMV and worked in an upstairs corner office of the large corporate facility (not so loosely associated with the large museum across the street) located right next door. Seem to recall even turning more than a few wrenches on the giant white and green waterslide while it was still in its natural element. Boy, do I have some stories!
I had an unlimited view of all the going ons at KMMV. In fact, I finally earned my PPL through the FBO while there. In fact, the first time I saw my home in McMinnvillefrom the air was from the nose gunner's position of the B-17 in the museum. Sure wish I had been at the Gathering, but I made sure to tell friends to visit. We spent the past two summer road trips in MMV, couldn't do it this year with schedules. To John B. and Mark L., I hope you enjoyed your vaca time in the GREAT NW. Mt. St. Helens is great, but my wife grew up there and vividly remembers the day of the eruption and the "fallout" following. It was just distant news to me in KY at the time though. I especially hope either of you had the time to drive scenic Cascades Loop in WA. I must say that I spent my first 29-30 yrs in KY before taking the job transfer to MMV. I was there 18 yrs before our move to FL. Even with family, friends and decades of history in KY, I even more consider OR and the NW to be my forever home. Blessings, Mike Bynum