As promised at the Gathering, I checked with Aircraft Spruce today and found the gift card from Aircraft Spruce awarded at the Gathering Banquet was worth $25. I sent a note of thanks to Jim Irwin.
Guys, from my perspective, I really don't care whether anyone reports back on the accounting about the various Gathering finances. Nobody is padding their bank accounts by hosting a fly in. From my point of view, those involved have all been forthright and honest over the years. In my previous email, I only suggested a donation to help offset the costs since this year wasn't yet at a break even point, and I want to help ensure the future of this event by helping build the funds for the future. Nobody had said anything to me about anyone's handling of finances and/or the passing of previous funds, nor did I intend to imply as such. If someone read it as such, please accept my apology as that was not my intent. My comments were strictly about ensuring we have this event somewhere again next year. How that got misconstrued into accusations, implications of impropriety, and aggressive defensive emails is beyond me, and really isn't of interest. At least for my part, any discussion about gathering finances was and is only intended to be looking forward. >From here forward, I'm going to sit back and allow whoever is on the Steering >Committee (I don't know if that includes me or not) figure out how we should >proceed from here, and will wait for the committee to float their ideas asking >for opinions. -Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM