Hi there, the following was quite funny and made me laugh. Can we have more
humour on here please:
Larry, a bare bones KR with a 2180, no electrical system, and a climbprop will
take off in 350' (with a 120 pound pilot), the same plane witha 1600 VW will
land in 650, and put an O-200 on it and you can cruise(at 95% power) at 180. So
where is the problem?Is this true, does anyone own or seen a bare bones 2180
powered Kr to try it? With a climb prop on a 2180 Kr2 with a child pilot on
board, then what cruise do you get?I weighed 120lbs when I was 11 years old,
still another 5 years before I could fly. Who is the lightest Kr pilot by the
way? I know a guy who must be only 165lb. I'm 175, anyone less than that?My
understanding of cruise power wasn't really 95% power? Isn't 95% more like just
a bit off full power? My friends Midget Mustang 0-200 at 100% burns 34 litres
an hour, 8.25 us gallons. Average Kr carries maybe some 16 gallons, I know
people fit larger tanks, they would have to cruising around at 95%. So that is
an average of 1.5 hours plus half an hour panic. Just 240 miles. Any 180 mph
0-200 powered Kr2 is going to weigh 750 lb empty and probably fly around 980
with pilot and fuel. With a prop capable of creating 180 mph at cruise, well
that's not going to jump off the ground now is it? Anyone have any figures? I
can only confer with what I know, which is my Jabiru 2.2 Kr2, 75 hp. It drinks
26 litres at full power 6.5 us. My best cruise figures are at 18 litres 4.5 us
per hour, so my cruise is still actually quite high at around 70%, at 120 mph.
My kr only weighs 540 lb empty due mostly to the light engine and no flaps or
speed brakes or interior trim . All take off performance figures are at max
gross anyway, well in my book and every other certified aircraft book they are.
So at 900 lb (published MAUW) I need 300 meters at sea level, 15 degrees C,
still air, about 1,000 ft to be happily climbing away,. I measured this before
I departed my test flight airfield, just so I knew. I'm sure everyone else has
also done similar and knows there aircraft performance figures, or is that more
humour. I also measured my best stopping distance, max braking effect and it
took 500 meters to land and come to a stop with nil wind. That's 1,500 feet. I
can carry 22 gallons, so I can do 5 hours with half an hour to panic, that's
600 miles. That's normal, a short field landing is less, but I don't like doing
them. So stick to what is considered normal.Next gathering, lets all do these
performances checks, it would be fun! Lets have a competition to see who can
take off and land the shortest at 900 lb and what climb rate people can get and
max speed checks at 1,000 agl, with gps or just borrow a data logger like the
one I have to measure all the parameters. I'd look forward to that. We can have
prizes...Indeed no problems...