Not quite a year but guilty.  The fork is machined.  I had one of my workers
clean the shop several months ago and haven't been able to find our box of
pivots since. I have yours and one more machined and ready to go once I find
the box.  I will try to find them this weekend.  Sorry for the delay.  You
did get the gear leg and the rest of the order though as you asked for, yes?

FYI, outstanding plans orders should be completed soon. We only have a few
items left before all parts and plans orders are current. I have been
spending more time in the hangar trying to make a transition from
construction to other endeavors. 

Carbs - Since purchasing Ellison Fluid Systems we have been busy with shop
renovations, servicing and overhauls. We have a batch of EFS-2's nearly
ready for assembly.  The bodies are back from the platers so they just need
assembly. We will have several on the shelf soon if anyone is interested. 

Steve Glover

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