Two of the most knowledgable netters whose posts are always worth reading, Langford and Brian Kraut, frequently leave posts which are blank. I doubt in most cases they even know their posts are coming through as blanks since how often do these busy people take the time to go back and read a post to see if it made it through the system okay? The phenomenon of blank emails is probably not even noticable to the poster unless they're using digest mode.
This shooting blanks phenomenon isn't consistent, although for a brief period all of Brian's posts were doing this. When it first started occuring a few months ago I considered it might be something to do with my email readers but I concluded back then the glitch, whatever it is, is something further up the pipeline. With the new and different communication protocols constantly being introduced as these hybrid devices we generally call smartphones become more prevalent . . . I suspect therein lies the explanation. It's a cruel irony that so far the glitch (at least from what I've noticed) is only affecting posts from two of the KR community's most experienced members. These occasional blank emails are examples of communications anomalies that are only going to become more pervasive as Moore's Law continues to accelerate. Microsoft's response to this situation of overlapping and interacting technical hodgepodges may be just what we need - offering a free and all-inclusive operating system that covers everything from mainframes and smart watches to the internet-connected thermostat on the wall. Let's hope though that the problem with Mark and Brian's emails get fixed before Windows 10 rides into town and takes over. That process could take a while. Steve Glover will be selling wing skins and tail feathers made out of solar cells and KR builders will be installing engines made by Siemens before the job of debugging Win 10 is ever completed. I could be wrong though. In a short period of time Microsoft did a remarkable job with ME. I'm sure they are capable of doing that again if given half a chance. Mike KSEE ____________________________________________________________ Old School Yearbook Pics View Class Yearbooks Online Free. Search by School & Year. Look Now!