On my Avid, the Jabiru 2200 had a 56x44 which gave good cruise didnt seem to 
like climbing. I went with a 64x38 Tenn Prop, and after the first one went back 
because it wasnt the pitch it was supposed to be (too flat) the real 64x38 gave 
dramatically better takeoff and climb feel, (and better FPM, I cant recall 
exactly but over 1100fpm at gross, ssea level, summertime) but could over rev 
slightly in level flight if I pushed it and was flying solo.
RPM is about 3300 max level flight.  My Avid is apart as I started to build new 
wings in 2009 and then got sidetracked. The beautiful Tenn prop is sitting here 
in the living room.

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