Once again, I'd like to remind folks about a great fly-in very near the
Gathering, and on the weekend following, Sept 11-12.  Hood River is just
east of Portland, along the Columbia River, and has an amazing fly-in of
many vintage aircraft.  Technically, it's Ken Jernstedt Airfield, 4S2.

It's not just the fly-in, it's the museum that is on the field - WAAAM, that
is the best attraction.  Some wonderful old planes, cars, and motorcycles.
And they all fly or drive, and they do so frequently.  Every 2nd Sat there's
some that take to the road or the air.

And the best part - only $5 per PLANE, not per person.  Gets fly-in,
camping, showers, and museum entry.  And Friday night's spaghetti feed for
pilots and fly-ins.  Food available cheap for each meal all weekend.  Beer
and wine garden.

Bring tie-downs, tent and camping gear.  But you really won't need stove or
cooking stuff.

Here's video I made of last year's event.  It's bit long, but skip around or
just enjoy the music.  They flew the 1910 Parker Pusher, had an engine
failure, and I caught it on tape.


Jim McGauhey

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