In my blank message this morning (sent from webmail, which may have been HTML and therefore blank), what I said was that the iFly 720 is indeed a very intuitive device, and is daylight readable already, even in a KR.
The day before flying to Sun n Fun, I tried for half an hour to enter the coordinates for Lake Parker into the iEFIS, and finally gave up. Even the next morning with the manual in hand, I just couldn't get there. I gave up on the iEFIS and tried the iFLY mounted next to it. With no iFLY manual I had the coordinates entered into the 720 in under a minute. Then when it was displayed, I realized it was actually a sectional waypoint, and could likely be added to the route by simply touching it and choosing something like "add to route". As others have chimed in, with 20/20 hindsight I'd buy an iPad and put the iFLY app on it, and could also have Foreflight and ADS-B on it, among others. Mark Langford ML at