Good evening, My name is David Spencer and I am writing in regards to an individual many of you may know, Bryce Guenther. Sadly, Bryce passed away several months ago. I am a friend of the Guenther family and as a private pilot myself and current builder of a Vans RV-14A, they have sought my assistance regarding Bryce's KR2 aircraft. I had a brief email exchange yesterday with Mark Langord and Mark mentioned that he and many of you knew Bryce and are familiar with his build project. I am aware that Bryce trailered his plane to one of your gatherings several years ago and has been the topic of some conversation. I am reaching out to this list group to see if anyone has any interest in purchasing the plane. I don't have much information and we have not been successful in locating any paperwork or logs. I don't believe it is airworthy in its current condition. I reached out to the local airport manager and while she knew Bryce she confirmed that she has never seen the KR2 fly. Mark indicated that Bryce stated he was an aeronautical engineer. I have confirmed with his brother that Bryce has an A&P certificate from St. Louis University Parks college of engineering, aviation, and technology. His brother had no knowledge of an actual aeronautical engineering degree. I will entertain all offers. I can be reached by email at david.spencer at<mailto:david.spencer at> or by phone at (636) 980-0355. Thank you for your consideration.
Regards, David Spencer