I have used vinyl ester resin to make attachments to epoxy parts; vinyl 
ester resin will bond to cured epoxy.  Epoxy resin will not bond to cured 
vinyl ester.  Keep in mind which got there first when you do family resin 
overlays.  Vinyl ester resin when promoted has about a 2-month shelf life; 
keep it in the refrigerator and you may get 6-months shelf life; don't let 
it freeze.  Vendors, like Aircraft Spruce, will not sell you un-promoted 
vinyl ester resin.  The promoter chemicals are nasty and have a high 
liability risk for vendors.
Ethanol in automotive fuel will absorb water from the air.  Ethanol when 
saturated with water at about a 6-percent solution makes a fair solvent for 
cured epoxy and vinyl ester resins.  Recommend you do not use automotive 
fuel containing ethanol in epoxy or vinyl ester fuel tanks.  Using 100 LL 
aviation gasoline will work ok with either cured epoxy or vinyl ester 

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Has anyone tried to make a lay up with vinylester resin over cured epoxy 
resin (West System)? ?As in a fuel tanks.? I??want to make my front deck 
with out the header tank so I can start on my canopy. ?I don't want to buy 
the vinylest resin untill I start on the wing tanks so I can do all tanks 
together. ?So I don't have to worried about the resin getting old.

Paul Visk
Belleville Il.


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