>About how much should I be able to get selling off the rest (preferrably
>before paying to ship it all to the west coast)? I know it varies widely
>based on construction, but it seems the extra parts would be useful to
>Also, does anybody know anything about this specific plane/plane-parts?


I don't mean to sound flippant but I wouldn't expect to get much for 
the "boat" and associated parts, it's whatever you can get out of 
them.  However, the A75 might well be worth what you're asking for 
the entire package, depending on condition and accessories of 
course.  Go to www.barnstormers.com and see what the engines are 
selling for and price accordingly.  I checked all 27 pages of 
listings and only found one reference to an A-75 so it may be a 
sellers market.  Any reason you're not keeping engine to use in the 
KR1 you hope to fly?

Larry Flesner 

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