As I recall, the time that Mark Langford conducted an "Introduction to 
Fiberglassing" workshop at a Gathering, it was well attended.  If he's planning 
to come to Oregon for the Gathering and is willing to do the demonstration, I 
will volunteer to have a throwaway tail section (wood and foam) ready to be 
glassed and will provide some generic glass cloth, Aeropoxy, disposable gloves, 
mixing cups, peel ply, plastic sheeting, and all the other props needed for him 
to put on his dog & pony show.  I may even be able to liberate the calibrated 
scales from our materials testing lab in order to keep the meticulous Mr. 
Langford happy when he gets ready to proportion the resin and hardener.  And 
even if Mark has other plans, I know Jeff Scott could probably be coaxed into 
doing the workshop.

Personally, I'm keen to see how to make those sharp, crisp, hard, thin trailing 
edges on control surfaces.  I know you cut back the edge of the foam before it 
feathers down to nothing and then fill in with micro that hardens to form the 
edge, but I've never done it and never seen it demonstrated.

Oscar Zuniga
Medford, OR

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