.......thanks Colin for the pretty good youtube sequenzes- very educational and 
motivational !
The manner how you will land the Kr is called in Germany as "Lufthansa 
landings".That goes back as Lufthansa still Ju 52, DC3 and other tailwheeler 
planes used.
My  Altiport instructor in the Swiss Alps always told me that If a Plane's 
wheels touch the ground
for the first time,it may not be able to fly,which methode whatever one chooses!
With my Kitfox(tailwheeler) I have hundret of times practiced both  versions ( 
tail up,tail down)and have found, that a nearly 3 point landing ( a little 
"behind the wheels") takes less treck.The best way for an individual decision 
is called: practice,practice,practice!An old philosophie sayes: "flying" means 
"land the plane safely",no matter the way you'll choose.
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