Imagine being one of somewhere around 120 to 180 aircraft landing on a single grass strip, all going to a chili lunch, hungry, and wanting to get there by serving time. Now imagine all that being orderly and well controlled by one person in the control tower of this private strip. On the way up to Triple Tree, I commented that this would probably be good practice for going into OSH or Lakeland, and Ken said afterwards, that it was much more "jammed" up than he had ever see either of those. There were planes landing at a steady pace from before we got there and some were still coming in when we left. No accidents or even close calls that I saw, which is a strong testament to general aviation pilots.
If you have never been to Triple Tree, you need to go. It is one of those places. Check it out and sign up for their newsletter. My Panther Building Documentation at <> PantherBuilder Web Site Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC