> "Steve has retired. After A few decades of supporting crazy people
they've had enough."

Steve is pretty crazy himself.  Just look at the attached picture.  This
was him in his KR-1 that he built and flew with Dan Diehl and someone
else (Marty Roberts?) to the first, or one of the very early KR fly-ins. 
Chino I think.  Dan said Steve had to cross the Rocky Mountains in ground
effect since his engine/prop combination didn't give him enough altitude
to fly higher.  Sparky loaned him a better prop go get back home with. 
It's a great picture.   


Speaking of KR people named Steve, I was recently prowling through the
records of the CAFE races held between 1981 and 1990.  Looking for KR's,
Steve Alderman's was the only KR I could find that participated.  He ran
it in 1985 with a Revmaster 2100 and for 1986 completely re-engined it
using a turbocharged Rotorway helicopter engine.   This aircraft is
currently registered in Florida. 

Reading the accounts of each year's CAFE results I repeatedly saw the
name Ellison.  If the airplane wasn't fuel injected, the aircraft that
won or placed near the top had an Ellison.  Sterba ranked well in the
prop category.  Throughout the 9 years the event was held, Rutan's
Catbird was the most efficient airplane of all using the CAFE formulas
but Sheehan's Q-200 and Klaus Savier's Vari-Eze won most years.  The RV's
- RV-3, RV-4 and RV-6 all continually ranked at or near the top.  I've
always thought the RV hershey bar wing is boxy-looking if not downright
ugly, but clearly it works well.  Dan Diehl's wingskins are works of art
in comparison.    

How Old Men Tighten Skin
63 Year Old Man Shares DIY Skin Tightening Method You Can Do From Home
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