> Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 11:14:14 -0500
> To: chrisprata at live.com; krnet at list.krnet.org
> Subject: Re: KR> Ellison
> From: deej at deej.net
Perfect! Thank you and I saved all info into my FWF folder.
> On 01/28/2015 10:11 PM, Chris Prata via KRnet wrote:
> > OK I'll bite. What is this Ellison, how does it work (generally) and what
> > are the benefits? What other solution is it better than and why?
> Here is a good overview of the "how it works":
> http://www.rotectbi.com/HowTBIWorks.html
> Rotec has some other info on their website that might help with your
> questions, and probably relate to the Ellison as well.
> http://www.rotectbi.com/
> and their FAQ page at
> http://www.rotectbi.com/FAQ.html
> They are simpler than a carburetor with less moving parts (ie, less
> things to fail).
> In theory they tend to atomisize the fuel better than a carb, giving
> slightly better fuel economy (I was unable to verify this due to not
> having proper fuel flow equipment at the time, but others have reported
> this to be the case).
> Since the air path is slightly less restrictive than a carb, again
> theoretically the chances of carb ice forming are slightly reduced.
> The reason I switched is that the Rotec TBI is compatible with mogas
> containing 10% ethanol (E10), whereas the Lycoming carb has at least two
> internal parts that are not compatible, and have been known to cause
> problems in the presence of E10.
> If I were doing a new engine install, I'd likely go with fuel injection,
> but the TBI was an easier option for replacing a carb and getting E10
> compatibility.
> -Dj