>  If I reposition one of the push rods to use this extra movement. I 
> can reduce the elevator sensitivity.


That might throw off the harmony and stick forces between the 
elevator and ailerons requiring more or less movement or stick forces 
in pitch or roll.  I'd recommend sticking with the designed geometry.

Control surface stops should all be at the input source (stick and 
rudder pedals)  and not at the control surfaces.  This insures that 
only air loads are felt on the system and not input forces.  It's 
also nice to make the stops adjustable as in a bolt head being the 
hard point with a locking nut to hold the adjustment.  When you see 
the ground rushing up at you, pulling back on the stick so hard that 
you break something in the control system is not the way out of a bad 
situation. :-)

Larry Flesner

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