SENT $10

> Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:31:50 -0600
> To: krnet at
> Subject: KR> KRnet archive donation request
> From: krnet at
> KRnetHeads,
> Tom Tugan, the guy who saved the KRnet Search Engine from extinction 
> when Rick Maddy was no longer able to support it without a major rework, 
> is working to restore it back to service.  He's run out of space on 
> whatever service he's using, and and is cleaning house trying to make 
> enough room to get it back up again.  I asked if it was time for a round 
> of donations, and his reply was something like "that would help 
> determine how and if I can manage enough disk space to continue".  I 
> sent him $100 through PayPal (he's at tugantek at, and encourage 
> others to send something as well.  The built-in MailMan archive is 
> almost useless by comparison.  The Search Engine allows you to filter 
> several ways, including the sender, date, subject, keywords...all that 
> kind of stuff.
> If everybody on the list could send Tom $5 or so (although I know that's 
> not going to happen),  it would help incentivize a solution to the lack 
> of a search engine. If you don't have a Paypal account, you can send a 
> check to me at 296 Taylor Denton Lane, Harvest, AL 35749 and I'll pass 
> on the $.
> Thanks for helping to support a very useful KRnet resource....
> -- 
> Mark Langford
> ML at
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