I'm posting this link again of Randy Hebron's KR-1 taildragger with spoilers and full-span flaps. This article is from 1980. Early days. A lot of what is under discussion re KR mods were done early on.
http://aerofoilengineering.com/KR/sportaviation/Kr80-8.HTM "With its updraft cooling, full span flaps, spoilers, and GAPC-1 airfoil, the highly-modified KR-1 was capable of a top speed of 179 MPH on a 1600cc VW engine and a stall speed in the 45 MPH range. While competing in the Lowers-Baker-Falck 500 efficiency and speed competition in 1981, Randy?s highly modified KR-1 was a strong contender. In fact, during the Baker portion of the competition, Randy and his KR-1 took 2nd place." Here is another article on one of Randy's airplanes. http://www.eaa.ca/experimenter/articles/2009-05_volmer.asp also http://www.eaa.ca/experimenter/issues/0905.html Randy is a member of EAA Chapter 113 and would be worth tracking down for anyone wanting to discuss KR mods in general, spoilers in particular. Mike KSEE ____________________________________________________________ Death of Cable What Your Cable Company Doesn???t Want You to Know http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/54c007bf64aed7bf48f4st02vuc